Mile Post 370

Mile Post 370
Mile Post 370

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Guest Post=> Vijay Jayaraj=> The Foundation for Economic Education=> 5 Surprising Facts About Earth's Climate - There are many environmental facts that run contrary to popular belief. Here are five of them

Good news!  Today's commentary comes from the Foundation for Economic Education (  We should really consider what is presented in this article to be common sense!

Now that we can dismiss all of the fear mongering and assigned guilt, as having been used by our betters for other ulterior (socio-political economic) motives.  And as they've incorrectly predicted the doom and gloom, scarcity and destruction of our society, due to having used up all of the earth's resources, maybe we can get on with our lives, using the principles of stewardship in our daily decision making.

When we make decisions about our personal lives and others butt in to tell us how we’re using too many of the earth’s natural resources, maybe we should tell our want-to-be-betters to “sod-off” and “mind their own damn business.”

The irony here is that what our leftist betters are attempting to use emotion, guilt and hypocrisy to manipulate us into doing their will, are covered in the Teachings of Jesus, in the Bible.  

The first principle is “Fear not,” which might be better translated as Don't Worry." a teaching Jesus often used and told frequently to those who followed him.  Jesus, emphasizing his teaching, added "who among you can add an inch During the depths of the Depression, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt told our ancestors in a “Fireside Address,” broadcast on the radio, that “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.”  Jesus told his followers this, because fear is a universal part of the human condition.  It’s probably just as old as mankind itself.  We worry about things, over which we have no control.

The second principle he taught that is applicable is not to be a hypocrite:  Jesus' example was “How can you see to remove a speck (of dirt or wood) from someone else’s eye, when you have a log in your own eye?”  That is really a hilarious comparison as the larger the obstruction that would block our vision in our eye, should be noticeable to us because it would block our vision and it would cause us pain.  Yet, how many of out leftist betters lecture us about our energy choices through the vehicles we drive or the houses in which we live.   They have huge mansions which require many resources to to build, maintain, repair, and operate and take private jet air planes as transport to a conference they label as work, with both having extraordinarily large "carbon foot prints.   

The biggest Hypocrite of which I can think is former Senator Albert Gore, Jr., of Tennessee, who always lectured everyone else about our energy usage and carbon footprint, while living in a mansion reputed to be in excess of 10,000 sq. ft., that used a lot of energy to heat, cool, light and operate.  Yet, he would fly around the globe, telling us “the inconvenient truth” that the world was running out of fuel.   Former President Barack Obama comes in a close second place, having lectured us about how much money do we need to make and how many houses do we need to buy.  This is especially “rich” In hypocrisy, as He and Michelle now own 3 mansions (Hyde Park in Chicago, Washington, D.C. and now on Martha’s Vineyard) and came out of the White House as millionaires after probably being the single worst Presidential Administration in the history of America.

I’ll conclude my rant if the day with these last points:
  • Ancient wisdom, to include that if the Bible, has surpassed the test of time and proven itself to be wise.  Don’t ignore it, just because those you know, who claim to be followers of Christ, seem to be the very hypocrites of which he spoke.
  • Old philosophies, such as Stewardship, are often rooted in these ancient wisdoms.  They worked for our Parents and Grandparents.  And if we give them a chance, they can work for us.

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