If you answered yes, are you willing to do this?
This issue simply boils down to 3 things:
- Property Rights
- Covetousness and
- Manipulation of a socio-economic people group in order to achieve an ends
So, to elaborate:
- America is owned by her citizens, whose birthright is through her American Citizen Parents. It has been paid for and is currently being paid for by those who gave or giving their lives, time and worth: Members of the Armed Forces, Dead or Still Living, Citizens who've dedicated and risked their lives to keep us safe serving in the Police, Fire, Rescue, and Medical professions. Even those who serve in the local state and federal government and the rest of the population that pays taxes own the right to citizenship. With Citizenship, we have the right to Invite anyone we deem "worthy" to enter and apply for citizenship. We have the right to exclude ANYONE, based on A) Threats to Society (e.g. Health Issues, Criminal Background, or following any Cultural Belief System that we deem Incompatible with our culture), B)Education Level: America is THE LAND of OPPORTUNITY, but you've got to work to make use of that opportunity. We don't want any more Free Loaders: We have too many already. If we allow you to come to America, we expect you to Make your own way, not to leech off of the largess of Citizens who are making their own way. If you want to come as a Refugee, and apply for Asylum, we reserve the right to determine if you are endangered and the right to Reject you - for any of the above reasons.
- The American System of Capitalism is the greatest system in the world (although it's losing some of its luster on the upcoming generations). In Capitalism, there is no promise of equality of outcome. Some people will make more than others (some make exponentially more than others). It is just the way it is. There is no guaranteed way to be successful. That's not considered to be "fair" by those who aren't motivated to keep trying and want the lavish lifestyle that they think they deserve. They love money and all of the things they believe it can buy to make them happy. They want what they see others having. Isn't this Covetousness as described in the Ten Commandments? The wisdom in the Bible says that this is wrong and sinful. Additionally, many of these same people want to force the rich to "trade places with them" and experience the poverty they've experienced. That's foolish in and of itself, as most of the people who are rich are smart and shrewd enough so if they had to start over again from nothing, it is likely they'd end up at least as well off as they were before starting over.
- In my lifetime (aged 57 in 2018) we've had Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty, with its "free" Welfare, Food Stamps, Medi-Care and Medic-Aid. Rent Assistance, and Earned Income Tax Credits also became available as the age progressed. It was all supposed to be a temporary (as in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) hand up, not a permanent hand out, with families making enough money to no longer need assistance. However, it doesn't work that way, as when the family approaches the level where assistance ends, when it ends, they actually make less total money. Additionally, our society has advertisements that say (from Value City Furniture) "I want it all. I want it all. I want it now. And I want it all." or "You deserve a break today...." Poverty Pimps (e.g. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton among others) at one time may have preached "You are somebody!" but have since taken their message to new lows, telling the economically poor that they are being discriminated against. President Barack Obama, the Community Organizer, turned State Senator, US Senator and President of the US worked very hard in poor communities to stir up sentiments against the rich, all the while accusing anyone that was against his Communist Agenda of Racism. His $8 Trillion Stimulus and were claimed to help end the 2nd Great Depression

There are now three waves of central American migrants aiming to force their way into the US across the border.
As reported here by JE Dyer, the first group was temporary halted by a Mexican police barricade. Mexican authorities offered the migrants asylum, jobs, and an array of social assistance programs. When they refused them, the police took down the barricades and the migrants resumed their trek.
On Sunday afternoon, the second wave from Honduras reached the border with southern Mexico. The Mexican border guard requested entry in an orderly manner.
“The men at the front began to throw rocks, and rushed to attack the border gate. According to news media on-scene, the attacking men broke down a gate and at least 100 of them were able to push through it. An unknown number of people were injured in the resulting scuffle. A 26-year-old Honduran migrant reportedly died of a head injury, which some outlets are saying was the result of being hit by a rubber bullet from the Mexican guards”.
A third group is now setting out from El Salvador. “One young man held up a handy, professionally printed map of migrant routes through Central America and Mexico for a photo op.”
There has been much speculation about who is funding this prospective invasion across the US border. I have read several theories but have yet to see a convincing account. But I can’t help noticing a familiar pattern.
For Dyer goes on: “At the moment, the military troops are being dispatched solely for logistical support to the Border Patrol. Clearly, however, the Border Patrol by itself won’t be able to mount the entire response if there is a coordinated, asymmetric attack by the migrants at the border. Presumably any tactical border defense effort will be coordinated between the U.S. and Mexico; we can reasonably hope that no situation will deteriorate into the use of “military” style force against lightly-armed migrants.
“(They may be lightly armed, but that doesn’t mean they can’t hurt anyone. No soldier or Border Patrolman is obliged, and none should be, to simply accept injury or death from flying rocks, or small arms the migrants may be carrying surreptitiously, because of an asymmetric force situation. That said, not one of the men and women in uniform at the border wants to kill people”.
Remind you of anything? Like this?
Yup: this central American onslaught on the US border looks rather similar to the Gazan onslaught on the Israeli border. Similar optics: poor, downtrodden “refugees” using force of numbers and their own “defenceless” bodies to pit themselves against the firepower of the army of an “oppressive” state in order to storm illegally and (in Gaza) murderously into someone else’s country.
During his confirmation hearings as Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo also noted that the “toxic crime-terror nexus” in Latin America, largely driven by the Lebanese Hezbollah group, “is fueling both the rising threat of global jihadism and the collapse of law and order across Latin America that is helping drive drugs and people northward into the United States.”
“It is thus facilitating their efforts to build safe havens for terrorists and a continent-wide terror infrastructure that they could use to strike U.S. targets,” he warned.
There may well be various different bodies behind the migrant onslaught. Trump tweeted that “criminals and unknown Middle Easterners are mixed in” with it. Of course he was duly bawled out for racism, imbecility, dog-whistling, racism, yada yada. Of course he couldn’t possibly be reflecting intelligence information he had received. Ya think?
Vice-President Mike Pence told Fox News: “What the president of Honduras told me is that the caravan was organized by leftist organizations, political activists within Honduras, and he said it was being funded by outside groups, and even from Venezuela”.
Hamas runs Gaza. Hamas is trying to storm the Israel border. Hamas is supported by Iran. Hamas has its own deep ties with Latin America.
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