Mile Post 370

Mile Post 370
Mile Post 370

Sunday, November 18, 2018

A Few Obtuse Thoughts About Roseanne Barr's "Vile Tweet" About Valerie Jarrett

Let's start with the Definition of Obtuse.


1 annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand: he wondered if the doctor was being deliberately obtuse
difficult to understand: some of the lyrics are a bit obtuse

2 (of an angle) more than 90° and less than 180°. 

3 not sharp-pointed or sharp-edged; blunt.

I'll use definition #2 to start.  My thought comes out of left field (hence it is obtuse).  My comments also call attention to the obtuse and thin-skinned Chicagoans of the previous administration to use definition #1.  And while Roseanne Barr's thoughts might be considered obtuse (definition #1), there is no denying that we don't know just how she feels about them.

First, did anyone notice (the expectation) that ABC was to defend the former Administration? CEO Bob Iger was quick to have a statement that disassociated ABC from Barr. It was an economic consideration (fear) that by doing nothing, Barr’s tweet would be associated with ABC. That could cause a loss of viewer marketshare and advertiser revenue. You’ve got to hand it to ABC that A) someone is monitoring twitter, B) they noticed Roseanne’s tweet, and C) quickly disassociated themselves with her by Channing Dungey’s (President of ABC Entertainment) and (ABC CEO) Bob Iger’s statements.  

Second, Did anyone notice that Roseanne Barr took a page out of President Trump’s playbook (e.g. “what can I find to say that will offend/piss-off those who hate me, while endearing those who love what I’m saying and getting me plenty of free news/advertising coverage?”)? She scored a direct hit with her intended audience, just like Trump does with his Tweets. Crass, caustic and crafted, it’s obvious to anyone who’s paying attention that while this fits her personality (and I’ll go as far as saying that about the racial slur), this is a page straight out of Trump’s playbook.

Thirdly and maybe most importantly, did anyone notice the Democrat Party and their Media Apparatchik aren't even trying to hide it anymore:  Valerie Jarrett's Tweet in response is proof that the Obama Democrat/Socialist Party expects its Media Apparatchik to do its bidding and then tries to gloat over it.  The thin skinned Chicagoans (the Obamas and Jarrett) can't ever let anything like this go unanswered.  

Now, on the other hand, let's compare and consider Sarah Huckabee Sanders treatment at the hands of the Democrat Media Apparatchik and its comedic assassins, Kathy Griffin, Michelle Wolf and Samantha Bee.  In the case of Michelle Wolf, constantly verbally assaulting her at the White House Press Corps roast/dinner, she did not defend herself against the vile attacks, but rather sat there smiling throughout the barrage of insults.  Her coolness under fire garnered her the sympathy of those who watched the unpleasant assault

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