I found this piece that I'd written before the Glorious Election Of Donald J. Trump as POTUS.
Oh will the #NeverTrump, GOP (country club) Establishment and those Intellectually Pure Conservatives ever stop trying to replace Donald Trump as the Republican Nominee for President in 2016?
Oh will the #NeverTrump, GOP (country club) Establishment and those Intellectually Pure Conservatives ever stop trying to replace Donald Trump as the Republican Nominee for President in 2016?
At first, it was the sheer incredulity that this unexperienced business man, reality TV star and real estate magnate, Donald Trump, is Running for the Republican Presidential nomination. The sheer nerve of this outsider! However, Trump is a Marketing Genius and had covertly "tried the waters" with his support of the birthers, demanding Barack Obama's real birth certificate and offering a reward for it. With an almost intuitive understanding of the man on the street, Trump started talking about issues that Blue Collar Workers and the Common People understood:
- Illegal Immigration is harmful to America, because of the added costs to the Social Welfare Net
- Uncontroled Borders Allow Not Only Illegal Immigration for Economic Reasons, but also allow Drug Trafficers and Terrorists to come into the country
- Illegal Immigration adds workers to a job pool where skill sets (although needed) do not supply high wages, driving down wages further
- Free Trade Deals ave been extended to a point where too many jobs building products have been "off shored" and manufacturing is dying in America.
Trump, having had "his" own TV reality show, clearly understood how to control the message. When Jeb Bush went after him, Trump easily controlled the narrative, building on the dissatisfaction with the presidencies of his brother George W. Bush and his father George Herbert Walker Bush by saying that Jeb Bush had/was "Low Energy." Though outspending Trump in a fashion that was simply unbelievable, Jeb got no traction and was soon out of the race. As other candidates (Huckabee, Perry et. al.) dropped out of the race because they could gain no traction, Marco Rubio challenged Trump on his own turf, taking his offense to Bronx style street insults. Nobody, however, trumps Donald Trump on his own territory and Trump quickly dispatched Rubio in his home state of Florida. Trump easily dispatched Ted Cruz, securing the nomination of the Republican Party for their Presidential Candidate in the 2016 election.
Michael Graham is Associate Pastor of Orlando Grace Church and CFO of Allogy Interactive. He recently wrote a piece that was published on The Federalist, on October 14th with the idea of forcing the Presidential Election into the House of Representatives. The idea is for voters to vote for the 3rd party candidate in what he sees as "possibility states" of Utah, New Mexico, Nevada, Iowa, Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Georgia, North Carolina Wisconsin, New Hampshire and Maine. His idea is to take away enough of the Electoral College Votes as to deny any candidate a majority of these votes and the Presidency. This throws the election into the House of Representatives for them to choose the victor. There is historical precedent for this to happen: This is how John Quincy Adams was elected president in 1824 despite not
winning the majority vote or having the most Electoral College votes.
So because your candidate (or an ideal to your philosophy) isn't available, the rest of us should take a bow and let you generously choose for us? Gee! I thought that servants of Christ were supposed to think of others first and trust in the LORD for their provision. Sorry Pastor, no sale.
Trump's rise came from Obama and his statement about the "bitter clingers," who don't the people who don't look like them and who've taken their jobs. It came from former Speaker Boehner, who publicly excoriated voters for not getting inline and following his agenda (and that of Harry Reid, Obama and Nancy Pelosi). It came from the GOP establishment/country club members like Mitch McConnell that intentionally tried to destroy the TEA Party. It's why Eric Cantor was "primaried" by Professor Dave Brat.
I'm not sorry that you see this election as a dumpster fire: Those of us Deplorables and Red Necks, have watched as Barack Obama, has turned our Christian culture into a working Dumpster Fire, to be replaced with his more important Muslim Culture. No, the candidates aren't ideal and Mr. Trump is a boorish braggart who needs to re-learn his lessons of Decorum. However, if you think that the American Citizenry are willing to let a congress, who was elected to stop and reverse Obama's agenda and instead went along in lock step with it, choose our next POTUS, then you are insane.
As Pat Caddell said a year ago (https://vimeo.com/145289992), this is Revolution.
But, this is a cultural revolution. There is another side, not of their impending doom but of a coming boiler explosion, as the deplorables get pushed too far, one time to many. Pat Caddell said it last year, that "this isn't a revolt but instead a revolution," that "Americans don't want (to fight) a culture war, but GOD help the one who starts it."
This election is a safety "pop-off" valve on a fully charged boiler, a peaceful release of anger against rulers that have lied to them, destroyed their culture and hurt them economically. It would be better for the Republicans to let that happen, and get behind Trump, rather than let it become the election of 1860, when a new political party elected it's first President too late to keep the revolution from turning violent and into war.. If Trump wins, the pop-off lifts and something gets done about the issues that are causing those members of fly-over country to increase pressure. If it doesn't pop-off and Lady MacBeth Incarnate wins election, only to force higher taxes, more regulations, steal civil rights and to prove that it is who you know that determines whether a law will be enforced against you, an explosion is coming. And as with most explosions, the whole is blown to bits and the parts remain, with not much of a chance to be reassembled into the working piece of equipment that once provided power.
Recently, I said to my son: "You can learn the lesson by observing what others have done and the consequences they earned for their foolishness, or you can earn those scars yourself. Either way, the lesson is here and you will learn it." Maybe a better way to describe what's coming is to say what a good friend's father once said, "I don't think that I'd try that again if I were you."
But, this is a cultural revolution. There is another side, not of their impending doom but of a coming boiler explosion, as the deplorables get pushed too far, one time to many. Pat Caddell said it last year, that "this isn't a revolt but instead a revolution," that "Americans don't want (to fight) a culture war, but GOD help the one who starts it."
This election is a safety "pop-off" valve on a fully charged boiler, a peaceful release of anger against rulers that have lied to them, destroyed their culture and hurt them economically. It would be better for the Republicans to let that happen, and get behind Trump, rather than let it become the election of 1860, when a new political party elected it's first President too late to keep the revolution from turning violent and into war.. If Trump wins, the pop-off lifts and something gets done about the issues that are causing those members of fly-over country to increase pressure. If it doesn't pop-off and Lady MacBeth Incarnate wins election, only to force higher taxes, more regulations, steal civil rights and to prove that it is who you know that determines whether a law will be enforced against you, an explosion is coming. And as with most explosions, the whole is blown to bits and the parts remain, with not much of a chance to be reassembled into the working piece of equipment that once provided power.
Recently, I said to my son: "You can learn the lesson by observing what others have done and the consequences they earned for their foolishness, or you can earn those scars yourself. Either way, the lesson is here and you will learn it." Maybe a better way to describe what's coming is to say what a good friend's father once said, "I don't think that I'd try that again if I were you."