It's easier today, having seen almost 1 full year of Trump's Administration, but tell me you knew someone who actually voted For Trump rather than Against Hillary on the day of the election, and I'll respond with "Why?"
It was easy for me, as I'd had enough when Mitt Romney failed to keep up the prosecution of his campaign against Incumbent President Barack Obama. I concluded that the Republicans were too "chicken-shit" to stand for principal. They wouldn't defend capitalism, they wouldn't defend the Virtue of Selfishness, they wouldn't get dirty during a campaign, holding principal over tactics, they refused to counter fallacies and accusations that the opposition accused of "the last Boy Scout" in politics. As in war, the goal of politics has to be to win. And when lies are told, it becomes incumbent that the challenges are refuted. Because the Republicans didn't have the stomach for the fight, I could no longer support them and left the party. I am now unaffiliated politically, and not wearing the Republican Jersey has freed me to criticize Republicans, when they desperately need to be criticized.
And so without further ado, I present Utah and his still prescient blog post, written on the eve of the 2016 Presidential Election:
Dr. Trumplove or: How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Trump

I don’t really “love” the Trump but win or lose, it is hard not to marvel at the service he has done for America. Of him, in July of 2015, I wrote: “Trump is the GOP’s version of one of those red assed baboons. I don’t like Trump except as the disposable tip of a spear – he was/is a valuable tool in drawing fire from the progressive camps. The media covers him as if he was the Kim Kardashian of politics.” With the candidates, the GOP had to select from, I never expected that he would be the actual nominee…but throughout it all, he maintained the red-assed baboon role but somehow, he has successfully deflected that attention back onto the Hillary camp and their chicanery.
Trump is a progressive leaning populist. He’s a crony capitalist with only the most superficial acquaintance with the Constitution or the principles it holds. He stumbles and bumbles his way along against an entrenched Democrat candidate who knows the Constitution very well – well enough to skirt every provision and stricture contained within. Her knowledge of government has been accumulated as she and her husband probed the limits of the laws, looking for blurred edges as they sought (and continue to seek) to enrich themselves at the expense of the American public.
The Clinton campaign treats Trump in the manner that a Queen’s court ridicules the court jester only to find out later that the jester has two Ph.D.s and is only playing a role – he is smarter than the lot of them.
When I say that Trump has provided America a service, I mean that he has exposed ties so close between the Democrat Party, the mainstream media and the deep state that these three entities are entirely indistinguishable from a single body. He has made it possible for the average citizen to see how the sausage making of government works and what an isolated, inside game it is. He has brought out evidence of how truly arbitrary and capricious the ruling class is and that there are truly two sets of laws in America – one set for the privileged progressives and one for everyone else.
I have heard it proposed that if we had just had a Rubio or a Cruz running against HRC, either would be up 5 to 15 points right now – but I’m not so sure. I must wonder if it weren’t for a Trump candidacy would we have seen all the Wikileaks dumps – or the Clinton camp would have been goaded into the mistakes it has made. I wonder if the Clinton Crime Family Foundation and Global Graft Initiative would have been discussed if Trump had not pulled Bill into the campaign as an issue. Would the other candidates been crass enough to raise the issue of Hillary’s failing health? I’m not so sure.
General George S. Patton is reported to have said to his men that they must forget all the high-minded rules of war that were written in the parlors of the moralizing politicians. He said that the enemy doesn’t care about our rules and he will fight according to his own rules (or absence of them). He said that the only way to win was to fight according to the enemy’s rules – or even dirtier.
In our own minds, we know this to be true. On the battlefield, holding true to any rule that renders you defenseless or restricts your ability to mount an offensive will get you killed. Patton was right. War is about victory on the battlefield.
Just as I doubt that an ISIS jihadi will praise you for your adherence to high moral standards after he cuts your head off, a winning Democrat is never going to laud you for sticking to your principles. Democrats have a word for people like that – losers. An iron rule of politics is this: if you can’t win, you can’t govern.
Trump may not win but if he doesn’t, it is possible that in his run, he has vested irreparable damage to the Democrat party, the progressive movement and the mass media by exposing the collusion, coordination and corruption that has long been understood by conservatives to exist. Trump is a cretin to be sure – but then with the same degree of certainty, one knows that Hillary Clinton is a criminal. He was not my choice for the GOP nominee. I’m not necessarily against him but I do not think he represents my philosophies any more than Romney, McCain, Bush or Dole did before him – but I am left to wonder if he was the right guy at the right time. To borrow General Patton’s rationale, he might have been the only candidate who understood that to defeat someone who flings feces, you must be willing fling feces as well.
I don’t like what this says about American culture because it would imply that we are not a principled nation any longer but this is what we have come to.
There may be a bright side. Often, after an unmitigated disaster, a renaissance begins. Hopefully, history will record Campaign 2016 as such a cleansing disaster. I guess we should remember this as well: politics is war but who America is in wartime is not who we are in peace. No worse enemy, no better friend.
I think that worrying about Trump is not warranted. I heard a radio DJ, John Hancock say that Trump was too much of an egoist to be a "bad" president. He would make sure that he did the right things as President of the American People, for the right reason (that reason was that he needed - to be remembered positively in history).
The fact that Trump won was no surprise to me. Libre-tards can call us the Neo-Confederacy, paint us as Racists and Zenophobes, say that we are uneducated, and unsophisticated for not voting for their candidate. I'll simply say that people vote for their economic interests. It wasn't in the country's best interest when a health care wealth transfer bill threatened to bankrupt me and hurt my family. It wasn't in my best interest when I suddenly had to buy Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs that were too dangerous to be manufactured in America. It wasn't in my best interest when Oil Pipelines were cancelled and oil was forced to be transported by trains, costing more money and often causing more environmental damage due to derailments. It wasn't in my best interest to have to fund Solyndra or any of the other Greeniac Energy proposals that were designed to "necessarily cause electric bills to double or triple." It wasn't in my best interests to try to alienate our ally and the only middle-eastern democracy, Israel. It wasn't in my best interests to have Muslim outreach and to deem America a post Christian Society. It wasn't in my best interests to see American jobs exported, because prices that could be charged for goods made outside the US could be sold for less than goods made in the US. It wasn't in my best interests to have our culture denigrated and have the individual groups that make up our culture pitted against each other.
I saw a wave election coming, one where an unliked character who is fundamentally dishonest was running against an outsider, a protectionist of sorts, who wanted to see jobs in America. While understanding Economics enough to see the disaster of having a trade war, I saw that America needed to change, to allow jobs manufacturing goods here. I believe that others could see this also. So I voted for Trump.
The fact that he won against a stacked deck, with the Democrat Party, their Media Apparatchik and the constant barrage of negative Trump factoids, was a gift from GOD. I thank HIM for it. I want Trump to "Drain the Swamp," getting the Globalists and the Neo-Cons who've tried to create their vision of America for the past 50 years out of office. It's my fervent belief that America will be better for it.
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