Mile Post 370

Mile Post 370
Mile Post 370

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


If by some strange chance you've stopped by, "Welcome and come in."  This blog is a work in progress.  I am moving most of my stuff from an earlier blog that I am closing.  All posts on that previous blog shall be removed, with an exception of a singular post that tells unwanted lurkers that the blog is now closed.

Milepost 370 is named after a point on a meandering trail, soon to become a super-highway. The milepost number refers to the distance away from the nation's Capitol.  It's not far enough away from the Capitol to be out of its reach and it can be reached by automobile in less than 8 hours by car, including fuel, food and rest stops.

I live less than 10 miles from this point on the trail.  Only the most astute observer will figure out where it is...although I'm hiding in plain site.  So come on in, grab a chair and enter into the musings of someone just off the beaten path.  But let's keep it a secret....


The Trailmaster

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